Day 10 of our Giveaway

On day 10 of our Giveaways we’d like to give one lucky blog reader one of our favorite picture frames here at the shops. It’s Christmas time and it’s all about the memories made (and hopefully captured), right?!

So to win, just tell us your greatest childhood Christmas memory!


16 thoughts on “Day 10 of our Giveaway

  1. What a beautiful frame!

    My favorite Christmas memory was when we had a “White Christmas”. Living in Texas this doesn’t happen very often but one year it did! Having a snowball fight with all my cousins after opening presents made for a very special day.


  2. Making Christmas cookies with my great grandmother. We always put the cookies in her Frosty the Snowman cookie jar, which was the centerpiece of the dessert table.


  3. I loved my Christmas Eves at my grandmothers house! In south Alabama, it was warm enough to shoot fireworks! Then inside for food and gifts! Special memories!


  4. Oh I adore unique frames. My favorite was when Santa was late and we, with our Mother had to wait in the basement until he arrived and we knew he had left by the noises on the rooftop!

    Love & Hugs
    Art by Karena


  5. Going into NYC to see the Christmas decoations as a little girl! I couldn’t get over the Christmas tree in Rockefeller plaza, the magical window displays that lined fifth avenue and, then my parents taking us to the Plaza Hotel to have a $10 cheeseburger (which back in the day was a lot of money)! I remember being in awe seeing the Christmas decorations in the Plaza lobby!! It always made for a fun and special day!


  6. I loved going to my grandmother’s house for Christmas. In addition to the traditional holiday spread we had antipasto, lasagne, and special Italian Christmas desserts. My siblings and I were so happy running around her basement as the women put the finishing touches on the meal. We pinched black olives from the buffet and couldn’t wait for our glass of Vernor’s Ginger Ale!


  7. driving around on Christmas eve after church to look at lights . my siblings and I piled in one car with my parents and we would vote for the best house . such fun .


  8. Every year on Christmas morning, the marsh mellow tree would bloom. We would race outside to look at the tree – and there is would be with marsh mellows weighing down all the branches. My silly dad continues the tradition with the grand kids now and even the great grand kids – they all look for the marsh mellow tree on Christmas morning.


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